We train Service Dogs for PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury, Anxiety Disorders, Seizure Disorders (please note-we train dogs for seizure care such as head cushioning, tactile stimulation, and deep pressure therapy, not specifically for seizure alerts. Most Service Dogs will begin to alert their handler before the seizure, but we cannot guarantee this), mobility issues, and hearing impairments. We also train dogs for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Developmental Disabilities, but these dogs require having a dedicated adult handler so please contact us for specifics.
We custom train each dog, so please fill out an application and we will let you know if it’s possible that a Service Animal will improve quality of life and help mitigate your specific disability.
We mainly train Goldens, but work with other breeds when it is more beneficial to our clients. We can also train Facilities Dogs and Emotional Support Animals.
We will be accepting new applications May 1st, 2019.
Fill out online application form with non-refundable $50 application fee
We send out responses every Monday, and will schedule an interview in person or by video chat if you have been approved. You will know within a week if we can train a Service Dog for you!
Pick a payment plan, make a deposit, and submit a signed contract.
We start training candidates specifically for you within two weeks of receiving your deposit and contract.
In 12 to 14 months come for a week of training to learn how to work with your new service dog (at your expense). Within the next week we will deliver your dog to your home (at our expense) to make sure you’re successfully working as a team. It is possible to do all handler training at your location, please contact us for details.
After the completion of Handler Training, we work together on a series of field tests, which are administered by the trainer. After graduation, you and your dog will be certified as a working team. A certification card will be provided to the handler, as well as a service vest and identification tag for your dog, which labels him or her as a service animal.
Come back in 12 months to re-certify, and the every 24 months after for the working life of your dog. Arrangements can be made to come to you for re-certification, just ask. Contact us immediately if you have any problems! It’s much easier to fix a problem that has just started, than to develop bad habits that are really hard to stop.
PAYMENT PLANS-Certified Service Dogs
Total Cost $26,000
Plan #1: $4000 down, $2000 per month for 11 months, due on the 1st of each month.
Plan #2: $13000 down, $13000 due at time of handler training
There are also multiple companies that provide loans for Service Dogs! Please check out the links below:
Lending companies for Service Animals:
Check out www.finder.com for Service dog costs and other possible financing options.
If client circumstances change and a service animal is no longer a valid option, we will issue a refund for monies paid prorated based on work already performed. $4000 non refundable, refunds prorated at $66 per day.